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A Witch Shall Be Born

A Witch Shall Be Born

by Robert E. Howard

A Witch Shall Be Born is a fantasy novella written by Robert E. Howard for Weird Tales Magazine and published as part of Conan series of stories. Excerpts below.Taramis, queen of Khauran, awakened from a dream-haunted slumber to a silence that seemed more like the stillness of nighted catacombs than the normal quiet of a sleeping place. She la..

Jewels of Gwahlur

Jewels of Gwahlur

by Robert E. Howard

Jewels of Gwahlur is a science fiction fantasy novella written by Robert E. Howard featuring his fictitious hero Conan for the Weird tales Magazine. Excerpts from the book.Conan the Cimmerian, late of the Baracha Isles, of the Black Coast, and of many other climes where life ran wild, had come to the kingdom of Keshan following the lure of a f..

Shadows in the Moonlight

Shadows in the Moonlight

by Robert E. Howard

Shadows in the Moonlight is a sequel to Robert E. Howard's previous work Shadows in Zamboula, featuring the hero Conan and published in Weird Tales Magazine. Excerpts below.Olivia, staring up from the ground, saw what she took to be either a savage or a madman advancing on Shah Amurath in an attitude of deadly menace. He was powerfully bu..

Red Nails

Red Nails

by Robert E. Howard

WEIRD TALES published a story called "The Phoenix on the Sword," built around a barbarian adventurer named Conan, who had become king of a country by sheer force of valor and brute strength. The author of that story was Robert E. Howard, who was already a favorite with the readers of this magazine for his stories of Solomon Kane, the dour English P..

After Dark

After Dark

by Wilkie Collins

After Dark is a collection of six short stories by Wilkie Collins, first published in 1856. It was the author's first collection of short stories. Five of the stories were previously published in Household Words, a magazine edited by Charles Dickens. The stories are titled as belowLeaves from Leah's diaryThe traveler's story of a terribly strange b..

Little Novels

Little Novels

by Wilkie Collins

Little Novels (1887) is a collection of stories by Wilkie Collins about love, marriage, and the social barriers of class and money. Some deal with crime and the supernatural. The collection contains stories like Mrs Zant and the Ghost, a supernatural story, Mr Policeman and the Cook, a story of revenge and murder, and Miss Mina and the Groom.Unlike..

Space-Trap At Banya Tor

Space-Trap At Banya Tor

by W.J. Matthews

Space-Trap At Banya Tor, by W. J. Matthews. Exciting entertainment, these telecasts of dashing pirates, gorgeous victims and the always stupid Space Patrol, but Jeff Thorne, famed Derelict of Mars, was grimly bent on stopping them—in all their ghastly reality!.Wheelwright was not impressed. "You know best, then I know him as a sot who stumbled on a..

Design For Doomsday

Design For Doomsday

by Bryce Walton

Design For Doomsday, by Bryce Walton. Slogging through Venus' reeking muck and groping horrors toward the forbidding dome of Solar Science City—treasure-vault of the best brains in the System—Guardsman Venard remembered the frightened whispers: "An evil god rules there!"The tone of the slurred, emotionless voice was cold and deadly, as were the ton..