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PDF Books in Fiction Short Stories

Unwelcome Tenant

Unwelcome Tenant

by Roger D. Aycock

Unwelcome Tenant is a planet fiction story written by Roger Dee as part of the planet stories magazine.Maynard was dividing his attention equally between the transparent bubble that housed the Meinz pendulum and the two ports, forward and aft, that broke the steel panelling of the control cubicle. He listened critically to the measured clicking of ..

Alpha Say, Beta Do

Alpha Say, Beta Do

by Alfred E. Maxwell

Alpha Say, Beta Do is a science fiction short story written by Alfred E. Maxwell and published in Planet stories magazine. Doyle Tindar was awakened by the urgent buzzing of the visor-phone by his bed. He grumbled, rolled over, glanced at the view-plate and winced as he saw the fat, grim face of the Control Board Director, Sam Penset. He sat up, ya..

Suicide Command

Suicide Command

by Stanley Mullen

Suicide Command is a short science fiction story written by Stanley Mullen.Messages crackled through the black gulf of space—the Interplanetary Distress Call. Blaze Norman, navigation officer of the ISP cruiser Scorpio, came out of his space-fog and stared at the helioflash board which was suddenly ablaze with light. Harald, the operator, grunted a..

Equation for Time

Equation for Time

by R. R. Winterbotham

The secret of time travel has been discovered. No one has traveled through time as yet, although man has explored the universe for more than twenty light years from the sun. But the day of time travel is not far distant. It had simple beginnings. All great things began in simple ways. Newton and the apple were the beginnings of modern understanding..

Eyes That Watch

Eyes That Watch

by Raymond Z. Gallun

He, Sam Conway, was back from Mars now. Back from red, ferric deserts no Earthly boot had ever touched before. Back from bitter cold and aching dryness. Back from dazzling yellow hazes of dust and suspended ice crystals. No more need to wear oxygen armor in a thin, ozone-tainted atmosphere now. Back from solitude, and the endless fight to keep aliv..

Modern Swedish Masterpieces -  Short Stories

Modern Swedish Masterpieces - Short Stories

by Charles Wharton Stork

It is curious that, despite the rapid growth of interest in Scandinavian literature through the English-speaking world, there has been up to now no book to represent one of the most brilliant fields of achievement, the Swedish short story. The work of Selma Lagerlof is well known and a volume of Per Hallström has appeared recently, but no attempt h..

Little Mexican & Other Stories

Little Mexican & Other Stories

by Aldous Huxley

Little Mexican & Other Stories is a collection of short stories compiled by Aldous Huxley whose other works include  ANTIC HAY: a novel, CROME YELLOW: a novel, MORTAL COILS: short stories, LIMBO: short stories, LEDA: and other poems, ON THE MARGIN: notes & essays.Some people I know can look back over the long series of their childish h..

The Vibration Wasps

The Vibration Wasps

by Frank Belknap Long

Joan was a little chit of a girl with spun gold hair and eyes that misted when I spoke of Pluto and Uranus, and glowed like live coals when we were out in space together. Joan had about the worst case of exploritis in medical history. To explain her I had to take to theory. Simply to test out whether she could survive and reach maturity in an envir..