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PDF Books in Fiction Short Stories

Headhunters of Nuamerica

Headhunters of Nuamerica

by Stanton A. Coblentz

A low moan from just ahead of him caused him to reach out; and, more by feeling than by sight, he recognized the slim form sprawled full-length on the floor. Judith Barclay! As this name flashed across his mind, recollection came back with a great leap, and his tortured brain reconstructed the scenes of the last hour or two. The announcement of the..

The Planet of Illusion

The Planet of Illusion

by Donald A. Wollheim

The captain's keen gray eyes stared carefully at the glowing panel before him. On it shone out tiny points of light which revealed each of the different bodies through whose vicinity the Astralite was passing. A remarkable device actuated by delicate gravital detectors which marked out every body they approached. And according to this chart, there ..

Lie on the Beam

Lie on the Beam

by John Victor Peterson

Sweeping from perihelion, the black destroyer curved toward the gibbous white ball of Venus, its jets stabbing mocking fingers at the majesty of the sun whose clutching gravity it had cheated. Within the heavily shielded control cabin, the hard skull-face of the commander split into a fleshless smile. Back on dead sea bottoms the word had been but ..

Earth's Maginot Line

Earth's Maginot Line

by Roy Paetzke

Jimmy Lorre saw the Earth spinning away from under him. It was odd, this sensation of having nothing under you, nothing to keep you from falling back upon the world from which the sleek grey space ship had lifted you. Lorre felt uneasy. He had traveled in rockets hundreds of times, of course; but this was his first flight into space.Rockets had alr..

Let the Ants Try

Let the Ants Try

by Frederik Pohl

Gordy survived the Three-Hour War, even though Detroit didn't; he was on his way to Washington, with his blueprints and models in his bag, when the bombs struck. He had left his wife behind in the city, and not even a trace of her body was ever found. The children, of course, weren't as lucky as that. Their summer camp was less than twenty miles aw..

Sidewinders From Sirius

Sidewinders From Sirius

by Fox B. Holden

Gaylord Kram, Vice-colonel of Intelligence, Terrestrial Federal government, sat pondering one of the worst poker hands he had ever witnessed, and he had witnessed a goodly number in his 38 years, when he should have been sweating blood over his tottering government's most perplexing problem: what to do about the colonists from Sirius and their G-ra..

From the Land of the Snow-Pearls -  Tales from Puget Sound

From the Land of the Snow-Pearls - Tales from Puget Sound

by Ella Higginson

From the Land of the Snow-Pearls is a collection of short stories written by Ella Higginson.The Flower that Grew in the SandEsther’s “Fourth”The Blow-out at Jenkins’s GroceryThe Takin’ in of Old Mis’ LaneThe Maneuvering of Mrs. SybertA Point of Knuckling-DownThe Cuttin’-Out of Bart WinnZareldaIn the Bitter Root MountainsPatience Appleby’s Confessin..

In colonial days

In colonial days

by Nathaniel Hawthorne

In colonial days is a collection of short stories of colonial days written by Nathaniel Hawthorne, an American novelist, dark romantic, and short story writer. His works often focus on history, morality, and religion.The Province House is constructed of brick, which seems recently to have been overlaid with a coat of light-colored paint. A flight o..