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The Wreck of the Mail Steamer

The Wreck of the Mail Steamer

by Wilfred T. Grenfell

The Northwest coast of Newfoundland is no favorite with our seafarers in the fall of the year. The long, straight, rock-bound shore line for eighty miles in one stretch, offers no shelter whatever even to the small vessels that ply to and fro along it in pursuit of their calling. Yet, as great shoals of codfish frequent the cold waters of the north..

Over the Wire

Over the Wire

by Eugene Jones

Snow and ice on that mountain. Nothing but snow. The wind drove it with a howl against the windows, where it stuck on the warm panes. Sometimes I could just make out the blur of the semaphore lights and sometimes I couldn’t. All day the blizzard had dumped its swirling load about us, and now, when night closed down, the storm took the tower in its ..

Object, Matrimony

Object, Matrimony

by B. M. Bower

Women are all right—if yuh keep far enough away from them. It’s when yuh take down your rope and commence to widen your loop for one that trouble generally begins; or else when yuh get one, she runs on the rope and keeps yuh guessing other ways.The time I was working for old Shooting-star Wilson, I sure got an object-lesson that I won’t forget in a..

The Gold Brick

The Gold Brick

by Brand Whitlock

Ten thousand dollars a year! Neil Kittrell left the office of the Morning Telegraph in a daze. He was insensible of the raw February air, heedless of sloppy pavements; the gray day had suddenly turned gold. He could not realize it all at once; ten thousand a year—for him and Edith! His heart swelled with love of Edith; she had sacrificed so much to..

Deeds of Daring Done by Girls

Deeds of Daring Done by Girls

by N. Hudson Moore

Do not think, dear girls, that because you are girls you may not have as much courage as your brothers. I believe that quite as stout hearts beat beneath muslin frocks as under stuff jackets. When you have finished reading this book about your sisters, perhaps—if you do not already—you will agree with me, and think that it needs only occasion to ca..

Tales from a Dugout

Tales from a Dugout

by Arthur Guy Empey

Picture a dugout in one of the front line trenches of France, damp and evil smelling, hardly deep enough to protect the inmates from a three-inch shell-burst. This hole in the ground will comfortably house four soldiers. Put seven of them with full equipment and a machine gun in it, and what results? I dare say in civilian life there would be only ..