PDF Books in Children's Short Stories
The New Adam and Eve (From "Mosses from an Old Manse")
by Nathaniel HawthorneThe New Adam and Eve is a collection of short stories From Mosses from an Old Manse written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. ExcerptsIn the energy of new life it appears no such impracticable feat to climb into the sky. But they have already received a woful lesson, which may finally go far towards reducing them to the level of the departed race, when they ..
The Paradise of Children
by Nathaniel HawthorneThe Paradise of Children is a short story collection written for young readers by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The Paradise of Children is Hawthorne's tale about the wickedly curious Pandora, who shouldn't have looked inside that box! Published in the 1920 collection, Wonder Stories: The Best Myths for Boys and Girls, edited by Carolyn Sherwin Bailey...
Space-Trap At Banya Tor
by W.J. MatthewsSpace-Trap At Banya Tor, by W. J. Matthews. Exciting entertainment, these telecasts of dashing pirates, gorgeous victims and the always stupid Space Patrol, but Jeff Thorne, famed Derelict of Mars, was grimly bent on stopping them—in all their ghastly reality!.Wheelwright was not impressed. "You know best, then I know him as a sot who stumbled on a..
Goma's Follicles
by Dorothy De CourcyGoma's Follicles, by John de Courcy. The Franklin was the newest and best ship of the Morgan Interstellar Transportation Corporation. It was plain from the Captain's pouter-pigeon stance that he too was aware of this fact. The only jarring note in Captain Webster's mind was the unscheduled stop at Procyon IV. He glanced again at the yellow blank in..
The First Man On the Moon
by Alfred CoppelThe ship lay at a crazy angle on the stark whiteness of the pumice plain. The rocket nozzles were a fused lump of slag; the fire-darkened hull crumpled and warped by the impact of landing. And there was silence ... complete and utter silence.There could be no return. Thurmon realized this. At first the thought had brought panic, but, as the scope o..
Machine of Klamugra
by Allen Kim LangKlaggchallak, his fur nose-flaps pulled tight against his nostrils, stumbled up to the gleaming pinnacle of steel that seemed to offer shelter against the night. He felt a dust-storm gathering in the west, and knew that not even the tough skin of a Martian priest could withstand the angry whippings of sand lashed up by the wind-warlocks of the dese..
Oh Mesmerist From Mimas!
by Roger D. AycockThe sudden hush that fell wasn't out of deference to me, though I'm pretty well known through the odd corners of the Solar System, but because of the Mimasan smiley I carried in a ten-inch tungsten wire cage under my arm. Nothing this side of Saturn's inner moon can lay down the euphoric aura of peace and brotherhood that a smiley can, and this one..
The Dead-Star Rover
by Robert AbernathyThe Dead-Star Rover is an adventurous science fiction short story by Robert Abernathy.The terrapin was traveling eighty miles an hour—far too fast for such uneven country. Over maddeningly repetitive dunes it scudded, rising with a swoop to each windward slope and hurtling clear of the ground beyond each wave-like crest, to plunge through the..