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PDF Books in Social History

The Servile State

The Servile State

by Hilaire Belloc

This book is written to maintain and prove the following truth:— That our free modern society in which the means of production are owned by a few being necessarily in unstable equilibrium, it is tending to reach a condition of stable equilibrium by the establishment of compulsory labour legally enforcible upon those who do not own the means of prod..

Roman Public Life

Roman Public Life

by A. H. J. Greenidge

The object of this work is to trace the growth of the Roman constitution, and to explain its working during the two phases of its maturity, the developed Republic and the Principate. The title selected perhaps expresses more succinctly than any other could do the nature of the plan which I wished to undertake. My desire was to touch, however briefl..

Wages in 1873

Wages in 1873

by Thomas Brassey

It is too often alleged that the recent advance of wages is attributable to a series of successful strikes.  I maintain, on the contrary, that a strike against a falling market is never successful, and that Trades Unions, as an organisation for the purpose of raising wages, can never do more than assist the workman to obtain an advance at a so..

Three Visitors to Early Plymouth

Three Visitors to Early Plymouth

by John Pory

We all know what the Pilgrim Fathers wrote about themselves and their settlements on the (not so) “stern and rockbound coast”; but how many people know that they were visited thrice, between 1622 and 1627, by outsiders who left on record candid accounts of what they saw? That is the reason for this book. These three accounts—one by a gentleman from..

Pennsylvania Dutch, and other essays

Pennsylvania Dutch, and other essays

by Phebe Earle Gibbons

The leading article in this collection appeared, as first published, in the Atlantic Monthly in October, 1869. After this essay was written I became better acquainted with our plain German sects, and wrote articles describing them, which were published in the first edition of this book. It appeared in 1872.To the second edition were added “Bethlehe..

Waheenee: An Indian Girl's Story

Waheenee: An Indian Girl's Story

by Gilbert Livingstone Wilson

The Hidatsas, called Minitaris by the Mandans, are a Siouan tribe and speak a language closely akin to that of the Crows. Wars with the Dakota Sioux forced them to ally themselves with the Mandans, whose culture they adopted. Lewis and Clark found the two tribes living in five villages at the mouth of the Knife river, in 1804.In 1832 the artist Cat..

Woman: Her Position and Influence in Ancient Greece and Rome, and among the Early Christians

Woman: Her Position and Influence in Ancient Greece and Rome, and among the Early Christians

by James Donaldson

Everything that has life has a course within certain limits predetermined for it, through which it passes until it finally disappears. The seed of the oak gathers materials from earth and sky until it fashions itself into the majestic tree. It will not become a rose or an elm. So it is with the higher animals and man. The lines of their progress th..

The Meccas of the World

The Meccas of the World

by Ruth Cranston

Like most widely accepted notions, this is picturesque but untrue. The Americans of America, or at least the New Yorkers of New York, are not the handful of men cutting off coupons in mahogany offices “down-town”; nor the silken, sacheted women gliding in and out of limousines, with gold purses. They are the swarm of shop-keepers and “specialists,”..