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PDF Books in Space Colonies Fiction

Task of Tau

Task of Tau

by J. Harvey Haggard

A gleaming binary swung in the blue sky, sending a moist warmth across the swaying fern-growths of the Fourteenth Planet. Feathered creatures of bright colors flashed through the underbrush and made noises there. A figure came stalking down through the shaded clearings, and small scaly bodies scurried out of sight, leaving ungainly tracks scrawled ..

The Sling and the Stone

The Sling and the Stone

by Michael Shaara

On the morning of the first day, floating in the cold of space, they inflated the station. It puffed up tightly to a silvery doughnut, and four men whose names were Krylov, Mirkov, Stolyakhin and Davchenko went to live inside. There was no ceremony. Out of a motionless rocket which hung in space nearby, other men came, trailing long wires. All the ..

Beware the Star Gods

Beware the Star Gods

by S. J. Byrne

The thing was long and rounded and shone brightly like the stars. It sparkled in the blue-white light of the triple suns like a love-stone brought from the Faraway Caves beyond the Great River. And it was floating down on pillars of fire toward the valley. It was becoming bigger and bigger, as were Kuru's large, black eyes...

Planet of Dread

Planet of Dread

by Dwight V. Swain

A strange creature, in any evolutional pattern. Its surface was completely covered with leathery, inch-wide octagonal pads, each centered with a third-inch cup that served as combined mouth and mode of movement. For through these cups it both took nourishment and pulled itself in whatever direction it sought to go by applying differential suction t..

Marty the Martian

Marty the Martian

by Arnold Marmor

It was one of those warm summer afternoons. All one craved for was a patch of green grass to recline on and maybe a faint breeze to tingle one's forehead. I was sure of the grass and hopeful for the breeze. But one of Marsten's messengers popped up and the grass and the breeze would have to wait. After all, Marsten was my boss.He had his office in ..

Three Spacemen Left to Die!

Three Spacemen Left to Die!

by Russ Winterbotham

Commander Al Andrews had closed and locked the energy-proof, neutralizing bulkheads against the creeping red glow that infected one quadrant of his circular space ship. Now he stood in the Control Center, in the mid-section of the revolving wagon-wheel ship, looking at Oakey Matthews.There had been times aboard this ship when a whole crew had been ..

The Missing Disclaimer

The Missing Disclaimer

by Samuel J. Sackett

K-17 removed a copy of Atomic Science Stories from the newsstand and went up to his hotel room. He sat down to read it. He had been attracted by the picture of the space ship on the cover, because it reminded him very much of the one in which he had come to Earth from Rigel IV. And then, when he looked closer at it, he discovered that the four-tent..

Eight Million Dollars From Mars!

Eight Million Dollars From Mars!

by Winston K. Marks

The traveler was well aware of the extravagance of his heavy bags, and he knew that most interplanetary trippers used the lightest, flimsiest containers to remain under the 100-pound limit. At the risk of appearing conspicuous, Pauker had decided on the stronger suit-cases. There must be no chance of an accidental rupture of his luggage. Legitimate..