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PDF Books in Space Opera Fiction

The Outlaw of Torn

The Outlaw of Torn

by Edgar Rice Burroughs

The Outlaw of Torn is a historical novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs, originally published as a five-part serial in New Story Magazine from January to May 1914, and first published in book form by A. C. McClurg in 1927. It was Burroughs' second novel, his first being the science fiction work A Princess of Mars. His third was Tarzan of the Apes. The Out..

The Mucker

The Mucker

by Edgar Rice Burroughs

The Mucker is a novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Originally two stories, The Mucker begun in August 1913 and published by All-Story Weekly in October and November 1914; and The Return of the Mucker begun in January 1916 and published by All-Story Weekly in June and July 1916. The book version was first published by A. C. McClurg on 31 October 1921. F..

The Oakdale Affair

The Oakdale Affair

by Edgar Rice Burroughs

The Oakdale Affair is a short contemporary mystery novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs. It was written in 1917 under the working title of "Bridge and the Oskaloosa Kid," and is a partial sequel to The Mucker (1914/1916), Bridge, the protagonist, having been a secondary character in the earlier work. It was first published in Blue Book Magazine in March 1..

The Efficiency Expert

The Efficiency Expert

by Edgar Rice Burroughs

The Efficiency Expert is a 1921 short novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs. One of a small number of Burroughs' novels set in contemporary America as opposed to a fantasy universe, The Efficiency Expert follows the adventures of Jimmy Torrance as he attempts to make a career for himself in 1921 Chicago. The book is remarkable for the criminal livelihoods ..

Space-Trap At Banya Tor

Space-Trap At Banya Tor

by W.J. Matthews

Space-Trap At Banya Tor, by W. J. Matthews. Exciting entertainment, these telecasts of dashing pirates, gorgeous victims and the always stupid Space Patrol, but Jeff Thorne, famed Derelict of Mars, was grimly bent on stopping them—in all their ghastly reality!.Wheelwright was not impressed. "You know best, then I know him as a sot who stumbled on a..

Design For Doomsday

Design For Doomsday

by Bryce Walton

Design For Doomsday, by Bryce Walton. Slogging through Venus' reeking muck and groping horrors toward the forbidding dome of Solar Science City—treasure-vault of the best brains in the System—Guardsman Venard remembered the frightened whispers: "An evil god rules there!"The tone of the slurred, emotionless voice was cold and deadly, as were the ton..

The Green Dream

The Green Dream

by Bryce Walton

The Green Dream by Bryce Walton. Owen Baarslag had brought terror to the swamp people. Joha, the little Venusian maid, was determined that he should not leave without it.Joha, who was part Venusian, twined her translucent fingers through the Earthman's matted hair. She smiled. Strangely, from her light green face, red eyes shone with a terrible hat..

Goma's Follicles

Goma's Follicles

by Dorothy De Courcy

Goma's Follicles, by John de Courcy. The Franklin was the newest and best ship of the Morgan Interstellar Transportation Corporation. It was plain from the Captain's pouter-pigeon stance that he too was aware of this fact. The only jarring note in Captain Webster's mind was the unscheduled stop at Procyon IV. He glanced again at the yellow blank in..