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PDF Books in Spy Stories

Clubfoot the Avenger

Clubfoot the Avenger

by Valentine Williams

Clubfoot the Avenger: Being some further adventures of Desmond Oakwood, of the Secret Service. At the risk of straining an old and valued friendship, I have persuaded Major Desmond Okewood and his brother to allow me to set down in narrative form some account of a remarkable series of events that, for reasons sufficiently obvious, have never b..

The Sinister Invasion

The Sinister Invasion

by Edmond Hamilton

he old factory building, he saw now was a blind. Behind its dingy walls and masked windows were at least two floors of offices. The doors of them all were closed, but he heard the hum and buzz of earnest activity from behind them. Gray-face nudged him toward one of the doors. The thick-necked driver went on somewhere. Birrel looked around a feature..

Secret History of To-day -  Being Revelations of a Diplomatic Spy

Secret History of To-day - Being Revelations of a Diplomatic Spy

by Allen Upward

The initials under which I write these confessions are not those of my real name, which I could not disclose without exposing myself to the revenge of formidable enemies. As it is, I run a very great risk in making revelations which affect some of the most powerful personages now living; and it is only by the exercise of the utmost discretion that ..