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  • Sunset's Cabin Plan Book

Sunset's Cabin Plan Book

by Ralph P. Dillon

Sunset's Cabin Plan Book PDF edition and other Ralph P. Dillon books available for free download from our library.


Every Westerner wants a “vacation home”! Perhaps it is the nearness to pioneer days that makes us so alive to mountain forests and ocean sands. Sunset’s Cabin Plan Book is primarily for those who are still in the “talking stage.” However, there is much valuable information in its pages for those who already are enjoying the pleasures of a “second home,” where they spend week-ends and vacation days, living comfortably though simply at any time of the year, while enjoying our Western heritage of the great outdoors.

The planning of a mountain cabin or beach cottage deserves just as careful and thoughtful consideration as the planning of a real home, though the actual construction is likely to be on a fairly simple scale.

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