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Swann's Way

by Marcel Proust

Swann's Way PDF edition and other Marcel Proust books available for free download from our library.


Swann's Way is written by Marcel Proust, a writer of French Origin remembered for his masterpiece In Search of Lost Time, which was published in seven volumes. Swann's Way is first of the seven volumes, was rejected initially by many publishers.

The story is narrated by unnamed character, who has inability to sleep and his wish for getting his mother to be with him to spend time in his room. He dreams while going to sleep and awake. While dreaming he always recalls his memories at Combray, a town where he used to spend his vacations with his aunt who colored his life.

The narrater falls in love with the daughter of her aunt’s neighbor named Charles Swann, a Jewish man with strong ties to society. Charles found an unsuitable pair for his daughter Gilberte Swann, but has high social ambitions for her.

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