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  • Tactics, Volume 1 (of 2). Introduction and Formal Tactics of Infantry

Tactics, Volume 1 (of 2). Introduction and Formal Tactics of Infantry

by William Balck

Tactics, Volume 1 (of 2). Introduction and Formal Tactics of Infantry PDF edition and other William Balck books available for free download from our library.


The first volume of “Tactics,” which appeared in its first edition in 1896, and for which the preparatory work reached back more than a decade, now appears in its fourth edition in a completely changed form. The lessons gained in war and improvements in weapons have corrected many earlier views. While the Boer war confused the views on infantry combat and brought forth more lessons in a negative than in a positive form, the Russo-Japanese war has had a great educating influence, in that it corroborated the soundness of the lessons gained in the Franco-German war, but also in that it amplified those lessons commensurate with the improvements in weapons. The fundamental principles upon which success depends have remained the same.

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