PDF Books in Children's Technology
The Curtiss Aviation Book
by Glenn CurtissThe time has come when the world is going to need a new type of men–almost a new race. These are the Flying Men. The great dream of centuries has come true, and man now has the key to the sky. Every great invention which affects the habits and customs of a people brings about changes in the people themselves. How great, then, must be the changes to..
The World of Flying Saucers
by Donald H. MenzelBoth as scientists and as devotees of science fiction, we have long been interested in space travel. When reports of unidentified flying objects began to increase in the years between 1947 and 1952, one of us (D.H.M.) collected and studied the limited information available about the sightings. He soon concluded (with a slight feeling of disappointm..
One Hundered Years a Republic. Our Show
by Daisy ShortcutA Humorous Account of the International Exposition in Honor of the Centennial Anniversary of American Independence, from Inception to Completion, Including Description of Buildings, Biographies of Managers, Receptions of Foreign Dignitaries, Opening Ceremonies, Poem, Oration, Amusing Survey of All Departments, Incidents, Etc., Etc...
Texas Pecan Recipes
by Reagan V. BrownThere aren’t many Texans who don’t have a special liking for pecans grown in the state, usually enjoying them straight from the shell. But now, more and more people are incorporating pecans in many different types of recipes. In this booklet we have included recipes for salads, main dishes, desserts, candies, and cookies.We hope that you find new w..
The Boys' Book of Model Aeroplanes
by Francis A. CollinsN the boy’s calendar nowadays the aëroplane season comes in with sledding and runs all through skating, marble, top, kite-flying, and bicycle time. The delights of all the old games seem to be found in this marvelous new toy. The fun in throwing a top cannot compare with that of launching an aëroplane, while kite-flying is a very poor substitute fo..
Santa's Sampler: A Collection of over 100 Hors D'Oeuvre Recipes
by Anonymous"Santa's Sampler: A Collection of over 100 Hors D'Oeuvre Recipes" is a cookbook compiled by members of the St. Louis Alumni Kappa Alpha Theta, likely written in the mid-20th century, around the 1970s. This collection features a diverse compilation of hors d'oeuvre recipes, reflecting a penchant for festive gatherings and parties, particularly durin..