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  • The Aftermath Or Gleanings from a Busy Life

The Aftermath Or Gleanings from a Busy Life

by Hilaire Belloc

The Aftermath Or Gleanings from a Busy Life PDF edition and other Hilaire Belloc books available for free download from our library.


This work needs no apology. Its value to the English-speaking world is two-fold. It preserves for all time, in the form of a printed book, what might have been scattered in the sheets of ephemeral publications. It is so designed that these isolated monuments of prose and verse can be studied, absorbed, and, if necessary, copied by the young aspirant to literary honours.

Nothing is Good save the Useful, and it would have been sheer vanity to have published so small a selection, whatever its merit, unless it could be made to do Something, to achieve a Result in this strenuous modern world. It will not be the fault of the book, but of the reader, if no creative impulse follows its perusal, and the student will have but himself to blame if, with such standards before him, and so lucid and thorough an analysis of modern[viii] Literature and of its well-springs, he does not attain the goal to which the author would lead him.

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