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  • The Alchemist

The Alchemist

by Ben Jonson

The Alchemist PDF edition and other Ben Jonson books available for free download from our library.


The Alchemist is a comedy play written by Ben Jonson, an English Playwright remembered for his satirical plays such as Bartholomew Fayre: A Comedy, Every Man in His Humour and Volpone.

Butler, Jeremy, the caretaker of the house of his master Lovewit, who flee abroad in fear of plague, exploit his master’s faith and using the house for fraudulent activates. He transforms himself as Captain Face and forms a team of criminals comprises of a fellow conman, Subtle and a prostitute, Doll Common.

The trio exploits human weakness of myths, jealous, vanity and greed, and many people are victimized by them. In the preceding incidents the trio’s plots are backfired on them. The story ends with the note of Jeremy returning to his early profession of housekeeping while Doll and Subtle reunites.

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