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  • The Alien Invasion

The Alien Invasion

by William Henry Wilkins

The Alien Invasion PDF edition and other William Henry Wilkins books available for free download from our library.


The Alien Invasion is a book on destitute immigration written by the English writer and royal biographer William Henry Wilkins, whose notable works include Our King and Queen, the Story of their Life, Edward VII and Queen Alexandra, etc.  

Wilkins mentions in the preface as “I have endeavored to set forth as concisely as possible the evils consequent upon our present system, and to place before the public the leading arguments in favor of some moderate and judicious restriction of the influx of the destitute and worthless of other countries. In doing so, I have studiously avoided identifying this important question with any particular party, or any particular creed. It is a matter which concerns the nation as a whole, and it is one in which men of all creeds and parties—Jew or Christian, Liberal or Conservative—may unite together for good. The advisability of restricting our present system of unchecked destitute immigration is a matter upon which there exists considerable difference of opinion. In giving expression to my earnest convictions, I ask for that same indulgence which I willingly extend to those who may differ from my conclusions.”

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