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  • The Almond in California

The Almond in California

by R. H. Taylor

The Almond in California PDF edition and other R. H. Taylor books available for free download from our library.


The almond (Prunus communis) is supposed to be native to the countries around the Mediterranean and at present the bulk of the world’s supply is produced in that region. It resembles the peach somewhat in manner of growth and character of blossoms and leaves, but the wood is much harder and the tree is longer-lived under equally favorable conditions. The fruit, instead of having a thick, fleshy pericarp as in the case of the peach, has a thin, leathery pericarp or hull, which splits on ripening and generally opens when dry, exposing the nut inside.

California produces over 98 per cent of the entire American crop and has done so for many years. During the period from 1900 to 1913 the number of bearing trees remained approximately the same, new plantings having replaced old orchards that were being pulled out. The variation in California production from year to year prior to 1915, as shown in figure 1, is due to seasonal variations rather than to change in acreage.

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