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  • The American National Red Cross Bulletin, Vol. I, No. 2, April, 1906

The American National Red Cross Bulletin, Vol. I, No. 2, April, 1906

by The American National Red Cross

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The second Quarterly Bulletin of the American National Red Cross contains an account of the work of raising funds for the benefit of the Japanese famine sufferers. The Central Committee desires to call attention to the great advantages such an organization as the Red Cross provides at such times. Where the Society had already organized State Branches these Branches were ready, through their officers, to notify the public that the Red Cross would receive contributions for this purpose and that local Red Cross treasurers would receive the same.

Moreover, all expenses for the collection of these contributions, save those that were borne by the “Christian Herald” in the collection of its most generous contributions, of which further mention will be made, have been met by the funds of the Society, so that every penny contributed has been sent directly by the State Department, through the United States Embassy at Tokyo, to the Japanese Red Cross for use in its famine relief work.

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