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  • The Ashtabula Disaster

The Ashtabula Disaster

by Stephen D. Peet

The Ashtabula Disaster PDF edition and other Stephen D. Peet books available for free download from our library.


The Ashtabula Disaster is a narrative of the greatest rail road disaster in the 18th century and it remains so till the 1918 Train Wreck. This worst disaster killed 19 passengers including gospel singer Philip Bliss and his wife. The investigations of the cause of the accidents had led to mysterious death and murders of many authorities who were partially responsible for the accident. This accident also opened up questions of using iron as a material for bridge design instead of wood. The author Rev. Stephen D. Peet had unusual facilities to narrate the calamity through his familiarity of the locations, the place, the citizens, spot observation and interactions with authorities, survivors and relatives of the victims who were killed in the accident.

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