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  • The Atom and the Ocean

The Atom and the Ocean

by E. W. Seabrook Hull

The Atom and the Ocean PDF edition and other E. W. Seabrook Hull books available for free download from our library.


Nuclear energy is playing a vital role in the life of every man, woman, and child in the United States today. In the years ahead it will affect increasingly all the peoples of the earth. It is essential that all Americans gain an understanding of this vital force if they are to discharge thoughtfully their responsibilities as citizens and if they are to realize fully the myriad benefits that nuclear energy offers them. The United States Atomic Energy Commission provides this booklet to help you achieve such understanding.

Nuclear energy has at last enabled us to realize the predictions of Jules Verne’s adventure tale, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, and to build a true submarine—a craft whose submerged existence is limited only by the physiological and psychological endurance of its human crew. This fact in itself has added greatly to our need to learn much more about the ocean, for the sea is an opaque and strange environment in which the deadly game of hunt-and-be-hunted will be won by whoever knows the ocean best.

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