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  • The Blossoms of Morality

The Blossoms of Morality

by Richard Johnson

The Blossoms of Morality PDF edition and other Richard Johnson books available for free download from our library.


The Blossoms of Morality written by Richard Johnson is intended for the amusement and instruction of young ladies and gentlemen.

As parents we all wanted to keep our children without experiencing the pain. It is a bitter fact that all kids of fortunate parents do not succeed in their life. The art of grooming our child is narrated throughout this book with two characters of Ernestus and Fragilis.

Both of them were the children of fortune parents, but reached different life style because of the way they were groomed differently by their parents. While Ernestus was groomed to a disciplined life, Fragilis was brought up as a spoiled kid. The rest of the book takes us through the incidents in their life and how it was influenced by the way they were groomed by their parents.

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