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  • The Boy Chums Cruising in Florida Waters

The Boy Chums Cruising in Florida Waters

by Wilmer M. Ely

The Boy Chums Cruising in Florida Waters PDF edition and other Wilmer M. Ely books available for free download from our library.


The Boy Chums Cruising in Florida Waters is an adventure story for boys written by Wilmer M. Ely, as part of "The Boy Chums" series of novels written by him.

The Boy Chums Cruising in Florida waters narrates the story in seashore, the protagonists’ boat is stolen from them and they lose not only their boat but all the money they had. To earn money, they join a fishing outfit and travel towards the Florida gulf coast. They encounter with rum runners and realize that their stolen boat was used issued activities from Cuba. After a fight they get back their boat and return home.

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