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  • The British Campaign in France and Flanders 1916

The British Campaign in France and Flanders 1916

by Arthur Conan Doyle

The British Campaign in France and Flanders 1916 PDF edition and other Arthur Conan Doyle books available for free download from our library.


In two previous volumes of this work a narrative has been given of those events which occurred upon the British Western Front during 1914, the year of recoil, and 1915, the year of equilibrium. In this volume will be found the detailed story of 1916, the first of the years of attack and advance.

With the increasing number and size of the units employed the scale of the narrative becomes larger. It is more difficult to focus the battalion, while the individual has almost dropped out of sight. Sins of omission are many, and the chronicler can but plead the great difficulty of his task and regret that his limited knowledge may occasionally cause disappointment.

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