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  • The Burgess Animal Book for Children

The Burgess Animal Book for Children

by Thornton W. Burgess

The Burgess Animal Book for Children PDF edition and other Thornton W. Burgess books available for free download from our library.


The Burgess Animal Book for Children is a book for the young readers to learn the habits and characteristics of animals. Written by the Bedtime Story-Man Thornton Waldo Burgess, who has written more than 50 books on nature and creatures such as Old Mother West Wind, Mother West Wind’s Children, Baby Possum Has a Scare,  Baby Possum’s Queer Voyage, and Mother West Wind’s Animal Friends.

The word Animals instead of mammals has been used throughout this book for the purpose of better definition which an average child has been used to. The author has taken painful efforts by consulting the authoritative sources to ensure accuracy and clarity to the contents. Even a tiny percentage of readers get motivated to protect the wild creatures by reading this book can lead to protect the priceless heritage of our nature.

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