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  • The Chemical Constituents of Piper Methysticum

The Chemical Constituents of Piper Methysticum

by Alice A. Ball

The Chemical Constituents of Piper Methysticum PDF edition and other Alice A. Ball books available for free download from our library.


Among the customs peculiar to the inhabitants of the South Pacific Islands, perhaps the most noted is that of the preparation and drinking of a narcotic beverage called ava, kava, or yakona. Much of its notoriety arises from the repulsive way in which it is sometimes made. Aside from this, it is characteristic of a certain oceanic area, and seems to be as strikingly limited to this area as is the stick-and-groove method of making fire.

The custom, is not confined to one ethnic stock, many notices in literature showing that both Papuans and Polynesians practise it. In many of the islands the Liquor is concocted by chewing the root of the Macropiper methysticum, or long pepper, ejecting the comminuted mass into a bowl, adding water, straining out the pulp, and drinking the fluid. In other localities it is made by simply grating the root and adding water.

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