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  • The Chemistry of Hat Manufacturing

The Chemistry of Hat Manufacturing

by Watson Smith

The Chemistry of Hat Manufacturing PDF edition and other Watson Smith books available for free download from our library.


The subject-matter in this little book is the substance of a series of Lectures delivered before the Hat Manufacturers' Association in the years 1887 and 1888. About this period, owing to the increasing difficulties of competition with the products of the German Hat Manufacturers, a deputation of Hat Manufacturers in and around Manchester consulted Sir Henry E. Roscoe, F.R.S., then the Professor of Chemistry in the Owens College, Manchester, and he advised the formation of an Association, and the appointment of a Lecturer, who was to make a practical investigation of the art of Hat Manufacturing, and then to deliver a series of lectures on the applications of science to this industry. Sir Henry Roscoe recommended the writer, then the Lecturer on Chemical Technology in the Owens College, as lecturer, and he was accordingly appointed.

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