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  • The Collected Works of William Hazlitt (Vol 10)

The Collected Works of William Hazlitt (Vol 10)

by William Hazlitt

The Collected Works of William Hazlitt (Vol 10) PDF edition and other William Hazlitt books available for free download from our library.


We are very much of Mr. Dunlop’s opinion,—that ‘life has few things better, than sitting at the chimney-corner in a winter evening, after a well-spent day, and reading an interesting romance or novel.’ In fact, of all the pleasures of the imagination those are by far the most captivating which are excited by the representation of our fellow-creatures struggling with great difficulties, and stimulated by high expectations or formidable alarms. And if the reader or spectator have no personal interest in the subject, his emotions are but slightly, if at all, affected by his judgment concerning its authenticity. On the contrary, the fictions of genius may be rendered far more engaging than the greater part of real history.

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