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  • The Cream of the Jest -  A comedy of evasions

The Cream of the Jest - A comedy of evasions

by James Branch Cabell

The Cream of the Jest - A comedy of evasions PDF edition and other James Branch Cabell books available for free download from our library.


MUCH has been written critically about Felix Kennaston since the disappearance of his singular personality from the field of contemporary writers; and Mr. Froser’s Biography contains all it is necessary to know as to the facts of Kennaston’s life. Yet most readers of the Biography, I think, must have felt that the great change in Kennaston no long while after he “came to forty year”—this sudden, almost unparalleled, conversion of a talent for tolerable verse into the full-fledged genius of Men Who Loved Alison—stays, after all, unexplained....

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