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  • The Croxley Master -  A Great Tale Of The Prize Ring

The Croxley Master - A Great Tale Of The Prize Ring

by Arthur Conan Doyle

The Croxley Master - A Great Tale Of The Prize Ring PDF edition and other Arthur Conan Doyle books available for free download from our library.


MR. ROBERT MONTGOMERY was seated at his desk, his head upon his hands, in a state of the blackest despondency. Before him was the open ledger with the long columns of Dr. Oldacre's prescriptions. At his elbow lay the wooden tray with the labels in various partitions, the cork box, the lumps of twisted sealing-wax, while in front a rank of empty bottles waited to be filled. But his spirits were too low for work. He sat in silence, with his fine shoulders bowed and his head upon his hands.

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