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  • The Disembodied Man

The Disembodied Man

by Jack Owen Jardine

The Disembodied Man PDF edition and other Jack Owen Jardine books available for free download from our library.


It was a cold night, and lonely, for George Jameson. He paced the floor of his apartment, back  and forth, into the kitchen, into the hall, through the bedroom, back and forth. Angrily, he reached for his coat. Maybe some fresh air would do him good. He buttoned the coat, fumbled for his overcoat. Then he walked outdoors.

It was snowing. The clean, white, slippery kind of snow that stays for a while, then quickly turns into Chicago slush. Instinctively, he turned his collar up against the cold, and headed for the El, a sentimental relic of the 20th century just past.

The snow was coming down in big, lazy flakes that caught themselves in the wind and buffeted against his overcoat. Streetlights cast weird shadows across the white. George could hear the faint crunch-crunch his shoes made. Half-turning he looked at his tracks behind him.

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