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  • The Economic Consequences of the Peace

The Economic Consequences of the Peace

by John Maynard Keynes

The Economic Consequences of the Peace PDF edition and other John Maynard Keynes books available for free download from our library.


The Economic Consequences of the Peace is written by John Maynard Keynes, a British economist who has influenced the modern macroeconomics. Among his more than 20 publications, notable ones are The Economics of War in Germany, A Treatise on Money, Revision of the Treaty, and The Means to Prosperity. The author’s introductory note of the books is described as below.

"The power to become habituated to his surroundings is a marked characteristic of mankind. Very few of us realize with conviction the intensely unusual, unstable, complicated, unreliable, temporary nature of the economic organization by which Western Europe has lived for the last half century".

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