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  • The Fall of the House of Usher

The Fall of the House of Usher

by Edgar Allan Poe

The Fall of the House of Usher PDF edition and other Edgar Allan Poe books available for free download from our library.


The Fall of the House of Usher is written by Edgar Allan Poe, an American author who has contributed to the invention and practicing writing in emerging genres of literary world such as detective fiction and science fiction. Poised to making a living in writing alone, he had run into financial troubles.

This novel narrates the story of a family, believed to be cursed by unknown illness. The family comprises of Roderick Usher and his twin-sister Madeline Usher lives in haunted house of Ushers. The narrator receives a letter from his friend Roderick Usher, to motivate and help him to recover from his illness. Contrary to his last visit, the narrator observes him to be too sick and the house itself in a horrifying nature with cracks inside. On his visit Roderick tells him, he often hears some peculiar sounds from the house. The narrator does not believe his sayings; however he appreciates the artistic talents of Roderick’s paintings and his piano compositions. He tries to rejuvenate him by reading stories and getting along with him.
Roderick later says his sister Madeline has died and he wants to put her body in a vault before buried permanently, reasoning her body might be used by doctors for investigating her undiagnosed illness for medical research. They put her body in a family tomb, however after this action both of them agitated. In the final moments, while the narrator reading a novel loudly, both of them hears the mysterious sounds relating to his novel scenes. They could see a glowing gas formation over the house and Madeline was standing live near the tomb. The narrator runs away after seeing Madeline live and when he gets of the house, he could watch Madeline falls above Roderick and the entire house breaks into two parts.

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