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  • The Fantasy Fan November 1934

The Fantasy Fan November 1934

by Charles D. Hornig

The Fantasy Fan November 1934 PDF edition and other Charles D. Hornig books available for free download from our library.


Once upon a time, a year ago last summer, to be more specific, I had money to burn, but rather than burn it, I decided to launch an attack upon the fantasy-loving public in the form of a fan magazine. You've guessed it—the result was none other than THE FANTASY FAN.

I placed enough capital in the venture to start it off. Needless to say, I was disappointed with the results, as far as circulation goes—it's always that way. Inexperience with the publishing game allows for pretty pictures of people just dying to send in their dollars to your new magazine, but the cold facts certainly throw ice-water on air-castles. Experience shows that a publisher must fight for every subscription.

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