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  • The Garnet Story Book

The Garnet Story Book

by Ada M. Skinner

The Garnet Story Book PDF edition and other Ada M. Skinner books available for free download from our library.


About the middle of the last century there was printed in England a children’s story with the attractive title, “The Good Natured Bear.” This story, written by Robert H. Horne, was reviewed by William Makepeace Thackeray, who at that time signed his criticisms M. A. Titmarsh. Mr. Thackeray wrote an article entitled “On Some Illustrated Children’s Books” for Fraser’s Magazine in which he made the following comment: “Let a word be said in conclusion about the admirable story of ‘The Good Natured Bear,’ one of the wittiest, pleasantest, and kindest of books that I have read for many a long day.”

The excellent humourous stories in the folklore of all nations point out to us that good cheer and merriment were favourite themes of the olden-time story-teller. Some of his rarest treasures were nonsense rhymes, fables, and allegories which enlisted the sympathy of his audience by inducing them to laugh with him. With a merry twinkle in his eye we can hear him addressing the tiniest listeners:

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