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  • The Ghost in the Red Shirt

The Ghost in the Red Shirt

by B. M. Bower

The Ghost in the Red Shirt PDF edition and other B. M. Bower books available for free download from our library.


The proper way to begin this story would be to assure the reader, first of all, that I have never believed in ghosts; that is the way ghost-stories usually begin, I think. Also, I should say that what I am about to relate is perfectly true—but I won’t begin it like that. As a matter of fact, I don’t care much whether you believe me or not, and I always did believe in ghosts—at least, I always hoped they were truer than Santa Claus, and that some day I should see one.

Aunt Jane—but I don’t want to begin with Aunt Jane either: she always did begin everything in my life, ever since I can remember, and she sha’n’t begin this story. I don’t mean her even to know I wrote it—she’d only say I’m crazy, and I’m not.

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