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  • The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. VIII, No. 372, February 12, 1887

The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. VIII, No. 372, February 12, 1887

by Various Authors

The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. VIII, No. 372, February 12, 1887 PDF edition and other Various Authors books available for free download from our library.


Those who would follow the story of the dark days in the Temple, can do so best by the perusal of the record left by Madame Royale herself. Written with an almost naive simplicity, it is touching in the highest degree, while incidentally it affords graphic pictures of the various members of the royal family.

Here, for instance, is Marie Antoinette sketched to the life. “Her calm contempt and her dignified air generally struck them (the municipal officers) with respect. They seldom ventured to speak to her.”

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