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  • The Grand Cham's Diamond -  A Play in One Act

The Grand Cham's Diamond - A Play in One Act

by Allan Monkhouse

The Grand Cham's Diamond - A Play in One Act PDF edition and other Allan Monkhouse books available for free download from our library.


The Grand Cham's Diamond: A Play in One Act is an one act English drama written by Allan Monkhouse.

A sitting-room in a small house in a London suburb. The window is in the wall to the left of the spectator and the door in the right half of the back wall. The furniture is ordinary. On the chimneypiece, to the right of the spectator, is a clock. The room is lit by electric light. It is some time after the evening meal. Mr Perkins is reading a newspaper. Mrs Perkins is darning a sock, and Miss Perkins is engaged upon a jigsaw puzzle.

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