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  • The History of the Lady Betty Stair

The History of the Lady Betty Stair

by Molly Elliot Seawell

The History of the Lady Betty Stair PDF edition and other Molly Elliot Seawell books available for free download from our library.


The story reached the ears of the broken-hearted young sister, but in such form that she only knew it was thought that De Ronceray knew something concerning Angus Macdonald’s murderer. Alone, except for the elderly infant known as Madame Mirabel, and preparing to return to Scotland through the storm of the Revolution, Lady Betty had no means, and indeed no wish, to know the name of her brother’s murderer. Angus could never come back—the rest mattered little. At last the two women—Lady Betty being entitled to be called a woman for her spirit and sharp intelligence rather than by reason of her years—reached the eyry in the Highlands which was the home of the Macdonalds of Stair.

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