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  • The Hundred Cuirassiers

The Hundred Cuirassiers

by James Grant

The Hundred Cuirassiers PDF edition and other James Grant books available for free download from our library.


In the following pages are narrated much of real life and adventure, with much that is historically true; but these passages I leave to the inquiring reader to discover or to separate. The localities are all described from old works or other sources, as they existed in the time of the hero. Many of the characters are real, and belong to history, such as the Vicomte de Turenne, De Toneins, Vaudemont, Raoul d'Ische, the Marechal de la Force, the Marquis of Gordon, and others. The Count de Bitche was also a veritable personage who disgraced those days, and his abduction of the Countess of Lutzelstein was a real event. The story of Tushielaw is an old Scottish legend.

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