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  • The Insect Folk

The Insect Folk

by Margaret Warner Morley

The Insect Folk PDF edition and other Margaret Warner Morley books available for free download from our library.


The Insect Folk is a book about the characteristics of common insects written for children by the American biologist and educator Margaret Warner Morley, author of books on nature such as Song of Life, Flowers and Their Friends, Down north and up along , Little Wanderers, and Grasshopper Land.

Though this book is intended for the children learning, the author creates interest in the children by making it as a folksong. Margaret mentions in her preface that to know about the insects; the children should not just read books but watch them by safely captivating them. She also mentions the captives should not turn into cruelty.
A long list of most common insects are introduced to the children through the chapters titled as Our Pretty Dragon Flies, The Fairy May Flies, The Stone Fly Folk, The Silver Fish, The Old Cockroaches, The Grasshopper Tribes, Pretty Katydids, and many more.

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