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  • The Invisible Man

The Invisible Man

by H. G. Wells

The Invisible Man PDF edition and other H. G. Wells books available for free download from our library.


WellsThe Invisible Man is a story of a scientist, who invents a method to make human body invisible to others by absorbing the illumination and not reflecting it. 

Griffin, A medical student , quits his study on medicine, and devotes himself to research on optics. With his research a human body can be made invisible and he successfully test his invention in a Cat. Rejoiced with his invention, he tests this subsequently in his own body and become invisible to others. He destroys all his research equipment, to save himself from being traced. Unfortunately after destroying the equipment he could not reverse his research and become invisible forever.

Unable to survive with his hidden identity, he throws himself into committing crimes. While running for shelter during a chase from policemen, he accidentally meets Dr. Kemp who is a former acquaintance from medical school. He reveals his identity to him and brief him about his plans to terrorize the nation with his hidden body.  Dr.Kemp helps the legal authorities to capture him. The policemen could successfully tracks him and shoot him to death. The story end up with a climax that his dead body becomes visible to others.

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