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  • The Jay Bird Who Went Tame

The Jay Bird Who Went Tame

by John Breck

The Jay Bird Who Went Tame PDF edition and other John Breck books available for free download from our library.


Prob’ly you’re all wondering what happened to Chaik Jay and Tad Coon when the big rain began to fall. Chaik had hurt his wing. He’d have had a bad time with it if he’d tried to stay in the pickery thorn bush, in the Quail’s Thicket, down by Dr. Muskrat’s Pond. Tad Coon knew a thing or two when he advised the bird to let Louie Thomson catch him.

Well, when Louie burst into his mother’s kitchen with Chaik holding on tight to his fat, warm finger he was ’most bursting with pride. You know just how you’d feel if you were Louie. Chaik felt just a little fluttery, but he knew he was safe so long as the little boy held him. He waved his well wing and put up his crest, but he never let go his hold on the funniest perch he’d ever sat on.

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