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  • The Last of the Mohicans - A narrative of 1757

The Last of the Mohicans - A narrative of 1757

by James Fenimore Cooper

The Last of the Mohicans - A narrative of 1757 PDF edition and other James Fenimore Cooper books available for free download from our library.


The Last of the Mohicans is a historical novel written by James Fenimore Cooper, an American writer remembered for his unique style of Leatherstocking Tales. Apart from his magnum opus The Last of the Mohicans, he has written many works including Precaution, The Pioneers, and History of the Navy of the United States of America.

This historical novel narrates the story of one the dying tribes called Mohicans, who are now left with just three members. The Mohicans Chingachgook , his son Uncas and adopted white man Hawkeye are the only last three left to save the tribe of Mohicans. Colonel Munro, a British Army officer is now in command at Fort William Henry.

His daughters Cora Munro and Alice Munro are on their way to Fort William Henry escorted by the Mohicans. The rest of the story is plotted around how the escorts contribute to safe passage of Cora and Alice to reach Fort Henry, and the plot also portrays a romantic tale of Duncan Heyward, British Major with Cora Munro.

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