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  • The Life of Isaac Ingalls Stevens Vol I of 2

The Life of Isaac Ingalls Stevens Vol I of 2

by Hazard Stevens

The Life of Isaac Ingalls Stevens Vol I of 2 PDF edition and other Hazard Stevens books available for free download from our library.


The Life of Isaac Ingalls Stevens is the biography of the first Governor of Washington Territory written in two volumes by his son Hazard Stevens.

Isaac Stevens was a brigadien general in the Union Army and he met his death in the Battle of Chantilly. Hazard Stevens has written this biography with collection of information from Steven's contemporary officers and associates in the public service.

Apart from a justice to Stevens, this memoir could set an example of noble and patriotic career to young men of this country. This first volume narrates the actual fact of this great warrior's birth, education and training in the Army.

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