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  • The Lost World

The Lost World

by Arthur Conan Doyle

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The Lost World is a novel about the surviving prehistoric animals written by Arthur Conan Doyle, a Scottish physician and detective novel writer who created the famous fictitious detective character Sherlock Holmes and Professor Challenger.
The novel opens up with Edward Malone, a journalist taking up a dangerous mission of interviewing Professor George Edward Challenger who assaulted five journalists before for suspecting his report on discovery of dinosaurs. The adventure journey starts towards South America with a crew of members headed by Professor Challenger, Malone, Professor Summerlee and Lord John Roxton an amazon adventurer. The crew reaches plateau in the Amazon basin with the help of Indian guides which includes Gomez, whose brother was killed by Roxton during his early visit to South America.

While the crew step into plateau, Gomez trapping them by destroying a bridge. The abandoned crew explores the plateau and escaping narrowly from being killed by dinosaurs. Later the crew is captured by apes, a tribe race. Malone and Roxton escape and plot a rescue operation and save the crew members in the lost moment before being executed. The crew returns after their adventurous travel along with evidences to prove the existence of prehistoric animals.

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Copyright Disclaimer: This work is in the public domain under U.S. copyright law and is not subject to any copyright claims or exclusive rights.

Title: The Lost World
Author: Arthur Conan Doyle
Originally Published: 1912
Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton
Public Domain Repositories: Gutenberg, Wikisource, Archive

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