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  • The Monster

The Monster

by Edgar Saltus

The Monster PDF edition and other Edgar Saltus books available for free download from our library.


The Monster is a novel written by American author Edgar Saltus who is remembered for his perfection in his prose style of writing and had been considered in the calibre of his European contemporaries like Oscar Wilde and Huysmans. Like many writers, he has been forgotten by the literary world, though received high appreciation by his contemporary authors. He has been attributed for about 30 works including two of his writings were filmed such as "The Paliser Case" and "Daughters of the Rich".  His long list of works include The Philosophy of Disenchantment, The Anatomy of Negation, Mr.Incoul's Misadventure, The Truth About Tristrem Varick , Eden: An Episode, The Pace That Kills , and A Transient Guest and Other Episodes.

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