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  • The Mysteries of Udolpho

The Mysteries of Udolpho

by Ann Radcliffe

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The Mysteries of Udolpho is a Gothic novel written by English novelist Ann Ward  Radcliffe and one of the pioneers in Gothic fiction writing whose published works include The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne, A Sicilian Romance, The Romance of the Forest, The Italian, and Gaston de Blondeville. 

Due to their common interest of nature loving Emily St. Aubert and her father Monsieur St. Aubert bonded. Their declining wealth and unexpected death of her mother, Emily gets even closer towards her father.  During a mountaineering day, Emily meets Valancourt and falls in love with him. However her father dies in the mountain and Emily become orphaned and finds her shelter with her aunt Madame Cheron.  Cheron does not show any affection towards Emily and her husband Montoni, a nobleman who is forcing Emily to marry his count Morano. Montoni ruins his wealth and takes Emily to his country estate Udolpho and the mysterious incidents are the base of the novel. Whether Emily could escape from Montoni, did she recoup with Valancourt?.

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