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  • The New Adam and Eve (From "Mosses from an Old Manse")

The New Adam and Eve (From "Mosses from an Old Manse")

by Nathaniel Hawthorne

The New Adam and Eve (From "Mosses from an Old Manse") PDF edition and other Nathaniel Hawthorne books available for free download from our library.


The New Adam and Eve is a collection of short stories From Mosses from an Old Manse written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Excerpts

In the energy of new life it appears no such impracticable feat to climb into the sky. But they have already received a woful lesson, which may finally go far towards reducing them to the level of the departed race, when they acknowledge the necessity of keeping the beaten track of earth. They now set forth on a ramble through the city, in the hope of making their escape from this uncongenial sphere. Already in the fresh elasticity of their spirits they have found the idea of weariness. We will watch them as they enter some of the shops and public or private edifices; for every door, whether of alderman or beggar, church or hall of state, has been flung wide open by the same agency that swept away the inmates.

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