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  • The Pharaohs and Their People

The Pharaohs and Their People

by E. Berkley

The Pharaohs and Their People PDF edition and other E. Berkley books available for free download from our library.


The growing interest that is felt in all that concerns Egypt and its past has led me to hope that there may be many who will be glad of a book containing, in a concise and easily accessible form, the chief results of modern research and discovery in the valley of the Nile. The Manuscript of this work was submitted to Dr. Lushington, formerly Professor of Greek at Glasgow University, and he has very kindly permitted the publication of the following opinion:—

‘It appears to me very carefully and accurately written, with diligent consultation of the most trustworthy sources. The illustrative quotations interspersed seem well calculated to inspire and maintain [Pg vi]interest in the reader as well as the descriptive sketches.

The subject well deserves, and is already beginning to command, more general interest than a few years ago it would have been possible to anticipate.’

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