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  • The Practice and Science of Drawing

The Practice and Science of Drawing

by Harold Speed

The Practice and Science of Drawing PDF edition and other Harold Speed books available for free download from our library.


The Practice and Science of Drawing is written by Harold Speed an English portraits painter and a member of the Royal Society of Portrait Painters.

In the preface of this book, it is clearly stated that this book is not for students who want to learn painting by practicing mechanical drawings such as cubes, cones, cylinders and human head. Like no one can feel the taste of sugar unless otherwise one eats it, Painting cannot be taught unless otherwise practicing it. It the life of a painting is inside the imagination of an artist, rather than things such as materials or proposition of mixture of colors used in the painting.

The book further mentions that even the most popular and highly valued drawing schools can only teach the fundamentals of drawing, which cannot be used to create a creator.

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